Wednesday, 2 November 2016

While we are #FeesMustFall...

They are preparing for war,
They are arming themselves;

While we are positioning ourselves
For a revolution that will yield social justice;

They are building an army,
They are erecting high walls for defence;
They will not just watch as these systems fall.
At least "not without a fight", it has been said.

They know how to keep the kaffirs away
Using trickery like the days of old when they came into our villages.
Brute force is too obvious, so they advocate for state sanctioned violence

They campaign for private securities to man-handle us
Old tactics don't work anymore, but old tactics silence our own

To the front line jail will do, to the rest fear mongering

They cannot loot our knowledge systems without a rebellion.
Their theories are subject to us, our lived experiences
Not the other way around

Even the most liberal of them knows how to keep us at bay

"If this woke bunch hates being UCT students so much, pl[ea]s[e] help them out of their misery and withdraw their funding"
That is the formula: economically to exclude us from get an education
Surely to hinder our upward mobility and therefore economic freedom

And that is how they keep us away
Thus the vicious cycle spirals

However spirals it does but out of control 
Giving birth to amaFeesMustFall
For our I heard in a taxi umama
La maFeesMustFall asaqhuba?
Ewe, the spirit doesn't die

Away, away! (Away!)  Away, away! (Away!)
Away from our ancestral land, away! (Away!)
Away from our self determination, away! (Away!)
Away from us gaining true independence, away! (Away!)
Yes we want to gain independence from them who created our condition

They are preparing for war and want us not to take stock
And this time they will take no prisoners.
They have taught their young old values 
With either tremendous success or utter failure
Facebook, Twitter and comments on other platforms have shown this
Thus the contradictions continue.

The ones for centuries who claimed to know it all, now plead ignorance about our plight
Those who claimed racism doesn't exist are evidence of its existence.
The supposedly morally superior are revealing themselves to be the worst enemies of humanity
Of course, this we have always known
History and the destruction of nature have been our witnesses

The one's who have swart gevaar anxieties, 
Are exposing themselves for the violent creatures they have always been since Black welcomed White into her home
History shouts: fear them but abadala convinced us they no longer harmful
They try to make the world think that it's the other way around
The contradictions and fallacies never cease with amaYurophu and their systems!

However we are deciphering epistemologies that try to assimilate us.
We are rejecting systems that seek to silent us, even the least of us.
We are defying rules that seek to keep us enslaved.
We are bypassing the limits they claimed we had.
We are rejecting deals that our elders negotiated with them
And we are telling them they were negotiated in bad faith.
Surely that is a concept they understand, since their Law recognises it.
They keep telling us that they voted for our freedom: Lies! 
How many times did they vote for our oppression?
There is ironically an event, that one can't help but find humour in it, that actually happened
Where whites-only voted in a national referendum, preposterous, I know! Lol!
In their minds yet again the white saviour came to our rescue, 
Dashing in silver English armour to deliver the natives.
From who shall I ask? And there the irony continues.

In my opinion that was the devil waging one last war against us
That of seeking to erase history, our history and what we know of them.
Dim the events and receive praise for our emancipation from their kin.
A feel-good ploy, one that the devil never thought of implementing
For if I was him, I would go to heaven humble himself
And receive the crown of humility, yet I digress
They debunk taking responsibility for the mess of their fathers yet always reference
Nongqawuse, Shaka Zulu and many figures in our history to explain our condition
Kodwa irony is synonymous with Europe, I tell you.

The very least they can do is advocate for #FeesMustFall using all that stolen capital
That their glorious volatile system is named after and based upon
Yes they must make sure that #Fees fall 
Instead of celebrating majoritarianism when they want universities to open
They will lament when there's a blacks only referendum on the land issue
They must now do what they failed to do 25 years ago
Let go and restore what THEY broke by allowing things to fall.

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